Money affects every single aspect of your life, yet so few people actually talk about it! Everybody’s Bad with Money is a space to learn, share, and release societal taboos around money. We believe budgeting is the new form of self-care, and we’ll explain why. Listen for interviews, money stories and tips, and more! This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein. Beyond The Green, Coaching assumes no responsibility to claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Episode 47: How to Apply for a Credit Card
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
AJ is STILL on the ROAD! She took time out of her travels to help a friend work through the credit card application process and decided to record it and walk us through it too! This lil mini ep is a quick burst of useful info for anyone in need of a credit card starter pack walkthrough.
The latest Heal Your Relationship With Money Course started on July 12th - but you can still apply for the next cohort! Apply Here and contact AJ to learn more.
The BTG Debt & Savings Bundle is now LIVE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com
This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein. Beyond The Green, Coaching assumes no responsibility to claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Episode 46: The Lakeside Phone Episode
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
AJ's on the road! When you drop in on AJ today she'll be sitting lakeside with summer vibes, reminiscing and reflecting on her past international adventures and the perspective shifts they precipitated. She regales us with tales of a robbery in Cambodia, an Irishman in Australia (or was he Canadian?) and a cab driver named Stone with a heart of gold.
The latest Heal Your Relationship With Money Course started on July 12th - but you can still apply for the next cohort! Apply Here and contact AJ to learn more.
The BTG Debt & Savings Bundle is now LIVE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com
This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein. Beyond The Green, Coaching assumes no responsibility to claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Episode 45: FEAR | The Five Emotional Archetypes That Cause Us to Spend (Part 5)
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Today AJ concludes the Emotional Archetypes series with the big F word - fear. Fear can paralyze us, or it can scare us away. Where does it come from? Often it comes from external forces looking to capitalize on our crumbling emotional bedrock. But it can also come from within. Sit with AJ as she navigates the fears that press us and stress us, cause us to mismanage our hard work, and how we can engage and react in a healthy productive way. Enjoy!
The latest Heal Your Relationship With Money Course started on July 12th - but you can still apply for the next cohort! Apply Here and contact AJ to learn more.
The BTG Debt & Savings Bundle is now LIVE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com
This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein. Beyond The Green, Coaching assumes no responsibility to claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Episode 44: BURNOUT | The Five Emotional Archetypes That Cause Us to Spend (Part 4)
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
When you run out of fuel you can't keep moving. Emotional and physical exhaustion can hit you like a ton of bricks, and stop you in your tracks. Even with all the self-care in the world if you work hard you can expect to eventually experience BURNOUT. AJ shares her experience with burnout, how it affects her choices, finances and overall health. Burnout is difficult but we often make it more difficult by responding to it with destructive behavior. Engage with your exhaustion in a redeeming and rejuvenating way. Enjoy!
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Episode 43: The Five Emotional Archetypes That Cause Us to Spend (Part 3)
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Comparison is the thief of joy. So often our focus is drawn to the things that make us feel small, like we're not enough. Today in part 3 of a 5 part series AJ focuses on the sensation of "feeling less than", how it arises, and how it affects our spending and saving habits. Get in competition with yourself, set your own expectations, the grass is always greener on your side when you do some gardening!
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Episode 42: Social Storytelling with Sarah Vitti
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Today on the show we welcome Sarah Vitti. Sarah is a narrative and cultural change strategist. She works alongside social justice leaders, storytellers, celebrities, and content creators to harness the power of art and culture to shift the way people think and feel about social issues. Sarah and AJ talk through Sarah's work, her personal finance journey, and how the two intersect in life and precipitating social justice.
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Episode 41: The Five Emotional Archetypes That Cause Us to Spend (Part 2)
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
One is the loneliest number - especially if that's all you have in your savings account. Today AJ opens up about how loneliness is a symptom of your root feelings. How it affects behavior and spending habits, and how to respond to it positively. Settle in as AJ recounts stories from being 27 and waitressing, reaching her breaking point and living in the moments of true change - and finding a way to bring it all back to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Enjoy!
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Episode 40: Ultimately We Have Power with AJ
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Instead of our usual Thursday guest episode today we have a very special and timely solo episode with AJ. Trigger Warning: we will be talking about abortion rights.
Please read/share/post this link: https://docs.google.com/document/u/3/d/e/2PACX-1vQr3A9Xm603rBcrz91vm3JcYX5vIs1vNks6wUgkgE1D69qZfHchaYCvDDebibJDeT3CElNvhl5jG463/pub
- Liberate Abortion has beautiful graphics you can easily share
- Rewire News Group is a great and trusted news source
- Repro Legal Defense Fund on IG and Repro Legal Defense Fund on Twitter
- Liberal Jane on IG and Liberal Jane on Twitter have beautiful graphics you can easily share
- We Testify IG and We Testify Twitter centers on the stories and experiences of people who have abortions
- Abortion Care Network IG and Abortion Care Network Twitter center on the stories and experiences of independent abortion providers
- Dr.ghazal_moayedi IG and Dr. Moayedi on Twitter - abortion provider in TX and OK
- Jamila Perritt MD MPH on Twitter
- Renee Bracey Sherman on Twitter
- If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice on IG
- Yellowhammer Fund
- Janes Due Process on IG
- @thankgodforabortion
- @shoutyourabortion
Sarah Vitti on IG She will be on the podcast 7/7 and is a wealth of knowledge
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Episode 39: The Five Emotional Archetypes That Cause Us to Spend (Part 1)
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
It's a new solo series with AJ and we're gonna get emotional. There are factors tied to our emotional state that cause us to spend money. In five parts AJ will break down each of the top five emotional archetypes of spending, how they develop, and how they manifest in your budget. Today's emotion is TRIGGER.
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Episode 38: A Little Cookie in Your Confidence Jar with Emily Holland
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Our guest today is Emily Holland! Emily is a podcast coach, consultant, copywriter, and editor based in Boulder, CO. She is also an avid rock climber, skier, runner, and hiker. Emily currently produces the Nature Untold podcast which tells stories of addiction, recovery, and sobriety in the outdoor community. AJ talks to Emily about her experience leaving corporate America to build her own business around her skills and passions. Should you quit your job if you hate it? Emily says yes, AJ says yes - but with a plan! Classic AJ! Emily also breaks down the value of knowing yourself, weighted blankets, and how to say no to a client. Follow Emily @podcastnerdery Enjoy!
The Heal Your Relationship With Money Course begins July 12th -Apply Here & Sign Up by June 29th to get a MONTH of coaching FOR FREE
Visit us at www.beyondthegreencoaching.com
Watch the full video version of guest episodes on our YouTube channel
Co-produced by AJ Schneider & Eric J. Weisberg
Hosted by AJ Schneider @beyondthegreencoaching
Edited by Eric J. Weisberg - Contact Me: ericjweisberg@gmail.com
Music by Eric J. Weisberg @ericselectricwindow
Follow our Beyond The Green Financial Freedom Coaches @rachelschmeling @leah_garvey
Have a subject you want to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at hello@beyondthegreencoaching.com
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport (book)